Helping Investors & Developers Succeed
With Smart Investment In RV Parks & Campgrounds
Let's Talk!
Growing consumer interest in camping, glamping, and outdoor hospitality has led to a dramatic need for investment in RV park, campground, and outdoor resort development.
Consumer interest in the great outdoors is at an all-time high. A decade of strong RV sales along with record levels of interest in glamping have created a growing customer base. This demand has created strong interest in the RV Park and campground industry from investors, developers, landowners, and small business entrepreneurs attracted by high returns and a historically recession proof business. The rise in consumer interest has led to an unprecedented expansion of RV Parks and Campgrounds throughout the U.S. that will likely continue into the next decade.
Our Market and Feasibility studies are the most comprehensive in the outdoor hospitality industry. Each report is researched and written by a team of experienced consultants who have owned and operated RV parks and campgrounds.
Buying a new property for development.
Determining which property has the greatest income producing potential in a geographic area.
Investing in expansion of an existing RV park or campground.
The top RV Park and Campground developers use Campground Consulting Group for their Feasibility and Market & Competitive Analysis Studies. When creating our Financial Planning and Detailed Pro Forma Projections we use our proprietary algorithms, developed by us in 40+ years of successful RV Park and Campground Investing.
Market and Competitive Analysis Study
A Market & Competitive Analysis Study is an affordable first step for project evaluation, examining the market potential and the strength of a specific project or general area.

Below are just some of the topics we cover in our industry leading reports.
Feasibility Study
A Feasibility Study includes all the topics covered in the above Market & Competitive Analysis Study with significant additional detail, often required by financial institutions & investors.